Thursday, July 11, 2013

6 Months and the Sofa Stand Off

This coming weekend, Jordan and I will have been married for 6 months! It feels so much longer than that and so much shorter than that at the exact same time. We are looking forward to moving into our new apartment, much closer to work, in precisely a month. I have enjoyed the past 6 months more than any other time in my entire life and I have to say, the first year of marriage is NOT like I expected it to be. Everyone kept telling me that it was the most difficult time and the toughest year and honestly, I was nervous and prepared for conflict and frustration. However, now that the echoes of the "uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow" stories have died down, I have to say that I honestly just don't believe that it is true. Unless in the next 6 months, a cataclysmic ice age or meteor shower is going to hit, this year is not going to be the "hardest" or the "roughest." Don't get me wrong, Jordan and I do struggle with the growth and change that comes from marriage (If you don't believe me, wait until I get to the sofa....), but overall we both are loving every minute of being married. We are learning so much about each other and so much about ourselves and I can see my own selfish tendencies and God's grace more clearly than ever in our day to day routine. So enough mushy love stuff.....just know that we are happy, I am relatively healthy as usual and this whole marriage business is not only challenging, but mostly amusing, exciting and growth producing.

Now onto the topic of the sofa.....

So, Jordan and I have been discussing buying a new sofa with some of our wedding money for quite some time now. Mostly we had decided that it made sense because our new apartment is bigger, a love seat is too small for company, the gold and burgundy on the love seat were a quite frightening color scheme, etc. Okay, so that last part was my concern, not Jordan's...anyway, this past weekend we picked out the most perfect sofa in the world. I have to thank my mother-in-law for giving a little "mama wisdom" to her son and actually getting us to the furniture store because we likely would have never gotten there if she hadn't suggested we "just go look." So once we finally got to the store, it took all of about 15 minutes for us to both fall in love with the perfect soft, cushy, mocha colored sofa. So we bought it and I got a stuffed animal puppy that I named Wallace to go with it! Now that it is at home, I absolutely adore it and sit on it all the time, our apartment is starting to look like actual adults live there. My husband on the other hand, has only as of this very morning, sat on it TWICE! He said it is too pretty to sit on, so the problem of not having a couch that we can both sit on is still a problem....I am working on coaxing him over to the couch by refusing to move to the chair or the floor or anywhere else when he wants to sit by me, but let's just say it is a slow-moving process. He is convinced that he is a "messy boy" and will somehow spill on the couch, rip it or ruin it. So the moral of the story is, before you buy your first new couch as a newlywed, make sure that your husband will actually sit on it, or you will be in the exact same situation as when you didn't have a couch to begin with! I have to say that things like the sofa situation are the little quirks that I love about him though, it keeps life entertaining and I KNOW that I am probably just as strange about other things....