Monday, May 6, 2013

Tony Stark and Mac n' Cheese

We have now been married for half of a half of a year and thus far, being married only gets more fun and more entertaining as time goes on. As the weeks fly by, I am eagerly anticipating the start of my summer preschool job and the start of graduate school. I have "first day jitters" already because I just know that grad school is going to add a whole lot more to our weekly routine. Thankfully, my dear husband is extremely supportive and helpful in both calming my nerves and helping me prepare myself to begin school again. He has helped me set up my computer to be efficient for online classes, promised to help make dinners on the nights I have homework and let me vent my every apprehension over and over again. 

On the topic of computers...we recently watched "Iron Man,"one of my super-hero obsessions, and Jordan quite enjoyed it. For those who have not seen it, the main character Tony Stark (Iron Man), is a billionaire genius with the ability to invent futuristic gadgets, robots, super hero suits, etc. Since watching the technological prowess of Mr. Stark on our fancy flat screen TV last Saturday evening, Jordan has taken it upon himself to "Tony Stark-ify" our little apartment. Although he likely won't outright admit it, I know for a fact that the reason we now have a "sky drive" and a computer and xbox console that respond to nearly any plausible voice command, has more than just a little to do with watching the Iron Man movie. Don't get me wrong, checking your email by simply talking to the computer from several feet away is highly entertaining; I am just not sure how I feel about the whole technology ordeal. Those of you who know me best, know that although I am writing a blog and finally caved to getting a smartphone, these are the  very most of my technological endeavors. I will also admit that I was forcibly coerced into getting a Twitter account by my younger sisters, and to secretly wanting the ipad I get to use with my preschoolers every day. Other than all of that, I will have no part in the technology craze. I vow to stick to my paper books, my snail mail affinity and my hatred of glowing screens that interrupt family life, until the end of time. So I have decided that talking to the computer will be something I watch Jordan do in awe and not really participate in because it feels a little bit weird. 

I am secretly thrilled however, to have a husband who is so incredibly intelligent that he can write back-up code, set up voice commands and complete any sort of math, technology or problem-solving challenge thrown at him. I just don't think that way at all. In my world of finger paints, language development and preschool social-emotional needs, I can't even begin to make my brain work the way his does. Jordan's innate problem-solving skills have worked wonders on my diabetes as well. To him, diabetes is one giant math problem waiting for a perfect equation. He has made the way we manage it so scientific that I almost always know exactly what to do in any given situation. We have spreadsheets of supply orders, emergency supply stashes and a highly organized way of dealing with my blood sugar numbers. I have to say that I am an organized person, but it took someone like Jordan to organize diabetes because I think I just didn't want to. A part of me wanted to just let it exist in chaos because it can be so emotional to try and accept the reality of it, the reality that it can often not be predicted or controlled. Getting married has literally done wonders for my health on a daily basis. Despite a few new diabetes struggles, I feel more in control of what is going on inside my body than ever before and I have Mr. Hagemeyer rather than Mr. Stark to thank for that.

So here we are, a half of a half of a year into this forever business and I couldn't be more happy. I am so excited about what the future holds for me and for us as a couple. I can't wait for a career in teaching preschool, children of our own, a house and a puppy (in no particuar order). For now, even as I dream about wrap-around porches, little league baseball and having my own classroom, I am content to just sit on the living room floor eating a bowl of Kraft mac n' cheese, talking and laughing with my best friend about nothing and everything at the same time. I am thrilled to see where the future is going to take us, anxious to know how we will get there and ready to let it be all of God's business and none of mine.

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