Saturday, September 21, 2013

Joe Diffy, Cookies n' Cream, Raccoons and the man that makes them all a story worth telling

So we have officially moved into our new apartment that is closer to work, less expensive and much bigger! We both really like being closer to work and church and not having to battle traffic nearly as much. All in all, if we have to live in Denver, this is a good place to be for now. We have many neighbors that attend our church and get to hang out with them throughout the week which is a welcome change to living too far away from anything of interest that is happening. On the marriage front, we have now been married over 8 months and are quickly approaching our first anniversary! There is too much to say in regards to our apartment and the crazy cowboy who inhabits it with me to write it all like usual, so I have compiled two concise lists of likes and dislikes for your viewing pleasure!

1. The friends we have made since moving here!
2.The crickets we can hear as we fall asleep
3. More space to country swing dance in the living room while listening to good old country, which we just did and Jordan is still doing back and forth from the living room to the patio while raccoon hunting...more on that later
4. A patio that faces the sunrise and the moon, perfect for eating cookies n' cream ice cream and listening to Joe Diffy (which we also just did)
5. Neighbors downstairs who don't play videogames loudly, but do pray together loudly for our city and our world on Saturday nights. We can hear them while on the patio, I really should go meet them...
6. The fireplace! Which it is very nearly fall-ish enough outside to use!
7. The amount of free time I have for cooking, grad school, running, etc. now that I can drive home after work every day!

1. The massive amount of raccoons we can hear in the dumpster AFTER we fall asleep....Jordan is literally chucking pebbles at them from the deck as I am typing....."I need more ammo" is what I just heard, we are likely going to get written up or arrested....but at least not bitten by rabid raccoons! Except that he just asked me if he could go chase them down the creek bed with a paintball gun....
2. The dumpster divers that take the early morning shift after the raccoons are done and bring very not quiet diesel pick-up trucks.
3. The fact that 4 miles from work still equals 20 minutes of traffic, but it's better than 30-45 minutes.

So overall, the likes outweigh the dislikes and I would honestly say that Jordan and I are much happier than we were one apartment ago. It's strange to think that this is the 7th place I have lived that is not my parent's house...hopefully someday sooner than later, we will plant some roots of our own and stop the apartment saga. For now though, I am appreciating the little things, like fireplaces and crickets and it wouldn't be nearly as exciting without the somewhat ridiculous, yet hilarious roommate that I share all these things with....

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