Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 3.

We have now comfortably settled into our 3rd week as newlyweds, with the luster of our Honeymoon week in the Bahamas swiftly dwindling as we start back up with work, snow, bills and real life. I am currently sitting on the floor on my computer behind Jordan, as he is at the desk on his computer looking for apartments closer to work/my graduate school (I hope). At this present time, the apartment is silent except for the thudding of the bass from our downstairs neighbor which we can ignore with mild annoyance now that we have just finished paying him back in a "duel of the thuds" with our after dinner Xbox-kinect tournament...Jordan won. The reason that it is silent is because I have learned in my increasingly numerous days of being a wife that Jordan cannot multitask when he is severely concentrating on something. So I am sitting here blogging, proud of myself for knowing with an absolute certainty that if I break the silence with anything more serious than "Do you want a snack?," his entire concentration trance will be broken, and thus, we will have to live in a van down by the river, for we will never find a new apartment....exaggeration on my part, yes, but only because we don't live even remotely near a river of any sort. Anyway, on the subject of things I have learned in almost 3 weeks of being married, I thought I would make a list.

1. Jordan likes to sleep in until the last possible second and cannot be bothered with any little peep of light, sound or even the thought of a hair dryer being turned on.
2. I seem to like to clean our bathroom with a vengeance but leave the dishes for later until they are a bit overwhelming.
3. Men have beards or whatever and have to trim them in the sink and they don't always, or possibly never, rinse the residual beard hairs down the drain.
4. Men can get ready in the morning at super-hero speed...just when I think that 7.5 minutes is not enough time to go from pajama-clad-sleepy man into super-ready-for-work man, I am always proved wrong.
5. Driving home together after work and realizing I really am HOME is the best feeling in the world.
6. We have NEVER EVER spent this much time together in all of our relationship and it is thrilling, exhausting and terrifying all at once...like a really impeccable roller-coaster.
7. I am way better at cooking than I thought, especially when I slow down and enjoy it.
8. I owe my mother an apology for ever making her do my laundry because even adding just one more person's dirty duds turns a mundane task into a loathsome afternoon.
9. I have truly married my best friend and cannot express how fun it is to stay up late talking and laughing hysterically until we cannot breathe.... needless to say I have picked up my caffeine addiction again.
10. Number 10 and clearly the most important on the list...I am the champion at xbox kinect boxing...and it makes him SO. MAD. haha

Well that is all for now, I will write again soon with any more wife wisdom I acquire in my oh-so-lengthy marriage. As for now, I am blissfully enjoying every moment of my new life with my amazing new husband. :)

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