Friday, March 15, 2013

Used Cars and Sonic-Boom-Sneezes

We are now entering month two of wedded bliss and with the wedding gifts proudly displayed in our small apartment and the insurance tsunami of paperwork and phone calls finally curbed, we are quite enjoying a little quality routine time. As of late we have been looking for a used car to fill the category of a someday-family-car, right now not-too-pricy-car. Looking for a car is daunting and I can honestly say that the only looking I have been doing is over the kitchen partition with my hands full of dishes, dinner making, or something or other, while Jordan does all of the research and calls me over when something particularly exciting surfaces. For this, I truly appreciate him and I truly appreciate the ease with which we have already settled into our strength roles within our marriage.

One thing I have noticed in the process of looking for a car that is completely unrelated, is a little habit that my dear husband possesses that can only be described as borderline terrifying. I am referring to the habit that I shall henceforth call the "Sonic-Boom-Sneeze." It just so happens that when Jordan is sick with a cold, as he has been lately, he tends to sneeze repeatedly with an intensity that is only comparable to a jet engine taking off or a rocket ship re-entering the earth's atmosphere. I wish I was exaggerating, but believe me, these sneezes are not only loud, they are completely startling and catch me off guard every time. I find myself repeatedly flinching at the very loud and very sudden sound that can strike at any moment. I have yet to even see a pre-sneeze face to warn me, it just seems to go from silence or conversation directly to astounding decibel sneeze levels. I don't know whether to say "bless you" or to duck onto the floor and protect myself from an overhead meteor shower. I do think that both of us are beginning to get used to many of the other person's habits; however, I fear that the Sonic-Boom-Sneeze and I will never quite acclimate. 

On the topic of other habits, for example, Jordan understands with a feigned annoyance and more amusement, that I do have to leave multiple glasses of water around the house because I am often thirsty and cannot remember where I last left my glass. He has nicknamed me the "Signs girl" because of the little girl from the movie "Signs" who does the same thing and in the end saves her family from the aliens by dumping water on them. I have decided that the little quirks and habits that make us uniquely us keep life interesting and entertaining. And so what if I leave glasses of water everywhere? And so what if he can't hang up his towel or remember where he put his keys/wallet/phone even two mornings in a row? What's important is that we love each other and are figuring each other out....and if one of these times one of his ear-drum rupturing sneezes turns out to be an alien spacecraft landing on our rooftop instead, we will be armored with water glasses and ready to fight back thanks to me....

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